Entries by optiweb

Five pieces of advice for better fleet management

All too often companies and their employees overlook how important it is to have complete control over your fleet. Whether it happens due to the lack of time or lack of will, does not really matter because the end result is the same; lower quality of service, higher expenses, and ultimately worse business performance. At […]

Sledenje.com telematics platform

Telematics platform Sledenje.com is in the most general sense comprised of three key components. In the backend an open-source database. User application or clients as we call them are the frontend and are used by clients. The piece that connects everything together as a pillar for a quality telematics solution is a communication server. We […]

Why route planner is a great solution for your fleet

Route planning software offers an optimal solution for fleet management and optimization. All orders, all vehicles can be organized at once, taking into account any time windows or any other special request by your clients. This significantly reduces time spent planning transport, the vehicles are better utilized, the routes are in optimal order, and the […]